Key West, FL
Miles Today: 0
Total Miles: 4182.2 Days on the Road: 102 Bars in Key West: 800 We've Visited: 5 Mosquitoes: Blissfully Absent End of the Road
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Live, From Key West
Few places in the U.S. can rival the party town reputation of Key West, and fewer still can proudly claim renegade pirates as their founding fathers. For at least those two reasons, it's a better than average spot to spend a birthday, which is precisely what we've come to do. Today, May 12, 2003, Anthony turns 29. It will be his southernmost continental U.S. birthday ever. To celebrate, we have our pick of skydiving, Caribbean jet skiing, moped racing, deep sea fishing, sunset cruising and bar hopping. So far, free falling over the Atlantic sounds like possibly the best option, if by best you mean most frightening and potentially perilous. Although really, nowhere here is truly safe when you consider the hoards of half-drunken tourists driving rented scooters and power boats. Yesterday we watched three beer-bellied men trying to dock a rented boat in the marina - at least two stumbled away with minor injuries after leaving visible scrapes on the neighboring boats. (You'd think after spending the day out on the water they would've figured out that pushing up on the throttle makes the boat go faster and moving it the other direction makes it slow down. Their lurch forward straight into the dock suggested a slight misunderstanding of that basic operation.) But I digress, this is about Anthony's birthday and how we can share this island party atmosphere with all our more land-locked and less mosquito bitten friends. So, here you go: Anthony's Southernmost Birthday Party Webcam, compliments of our hosts at Eden House where we'll be spending at least part of his birthday. We can't guarantee exactly when or if the party will be hoppin' but we'll at least plan to make a brief webcam appearance at, say, 5 p.m. east coast time, unless we're out skydiving or something. For those of you at home, put on your favorite Hawaiian shirt, dust off that Jimmy Buffet CD and mix up a Pina Colada or something, 'cause Anthony's Southernmost 29th Birthday Party is happening one time only and you won't want to miss it. Hooray!
© 2002, 2003 Anthony Hecht and Liz Jones. All rights reserved. |